You will first need to gain access to Content Central by logging in with the default administrator username and password.

Username (not case sensitive):  Admin

Password (case sensitive):  AdminPassword

Logging In to Content Central

The Admin Menu

The Admin menu can be accessed only by users belonging to the Administrators group, users who have the Document-Type Administrator permission on one or more document types, or users who have any selective Administration Permission via their user account or assigned groups. As an administrator you can access the Admin menu at any time by selecting the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 10.48.13 AM button on the main menu located in the top frame of Content Central.

The Administration Main Menu

System Settings

The System Settings screen is used to define items such as the e-mail server, fax server, and number of days to purge log entries. Access it by selecting the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 10.50.58 AM icon from the Admin main menu.

System Settings

Administrator-Permission Settings

These settings affect the selective administrator permissions that can be defined on a user profile or group profile.

Limit user access in Users & Groups by the administrator’s group membership:  This setting applies to users having the User and/or Group administrator permissions. When selected, the administrator having these permissions will only have access to users that do not belong to any group and users that are in one of the administrator’s assigned groups. The administrator will not have access to create new groups or delete existing groups.

Limit catalogs presented in Catalogs & DocTypes to only those assigned to the administrator:  This setting applies to users having the Catalogs & DocTypes administrator permission. When selected, the administrator will have access to manage only the catalogs that have been assigned to the user on the user’s profile. Catalogs will be assigned automatically to the administrator who creates them.

Limit user and group access in Catalogs & DocTypes by the administrator’s group membership:  This setting applies to users having the Catalogs & DocTypes administrator permission. When selected, only users that are in one of the administrator’s assigned groups as well as those assigned groups can be managed in Catalog Membership.

Catalog-Administrator Allowed Permissions:  These settings apply to users having the Catalogs & DocTypes administrator permission. This type of administrator will have access to manage only the permissions selected in this area.

Approval-Process Settings

Selecting Allow documents to be checked out while on an approval process will enable the Check Out/In menu item from the Modify menu inside of the Approval Queue.

When the previous is selected, you may also Hide checked-out documents in the Approval Queue from other users of the same group. This will effectively lock the document from others who may share in the approval of a document. For example, in an approval-process group of three users requiring only a single approval, all three users are instructed to check out the documents before working on them. After the first user has checked it out, the other users will not see it in their Approval Queue. This prevents multiple users from working on the same document simultaneously.

Selecting the Hide documents from Search & Catalog Browser when on an Approval Process checkbox will prevent documents in any Approval Queue from showing up in a search or when browsing.

If you would like to enable PIN verification when users approve or reject documents, select Require PIN for Approval. Specify the PIN Length in the box provided.

While documents are on an approval process, it may be desirable to prevent some fields from being modified. Select Allow limitations on field editing to globally enable this feature. By default, all fields can be modified unless field permissions for specific member stages in an approval process have been modified.

Capture Settings

Deselecting any capture type under the Capture-Type Visibility will prevent that capture type from appearing on the Capture screen.


Image-Capture Settings:  You can optionally choose to Enable black page removal. This will cause the Capture Service to remove any blank pages while processing captured documents. To refine this feature, you can specify a minimum amount of data on any given page that will allow the page to be kept. Enter this value in Remove pages smaller than X bytes.

Select Enable capture throttling to limit the amount of file data the Capture Service brings into the database while processing new documents. This can be helpful when you want to keep the database size from expanding and shrinking by large amounts in a small amount of time. The amount of megabytes allowed to be captured at one time can be defined by modifying the Throttle Limit in MB.


OCR Settings: If you have purchased multi-threaded OCR, enter the total number of threads you would like the Capture Service to use on the server.

Selecting or deselecting Enable OCR and autorotate enables or disables the OCR engine.

Selecting the Store OCR in database checkbox will cause all OCR data to be stored in the Content Central database (as well as in the index files). This data can be used for integration purposes.

The Enable 2-Pass OCR processing feature can provide improved OCR quality.


PDF Electronic Capture Settings:  Select the options you want presented to users when they capture a PDF document.

Conversion Settings

Selecting the Enable Conversion File Building checkbox will append random alphanumeric suffixes to the end of filenames in an attempt to increase performance of processing content coming from a legacy-system conversion.

Data-Table Settings

The Number of results to display on each page may be modified as desired.

Document-Properties Settings

When the Allow document-type changes checkbox is checked, users will be able to change the document-type assignment of a document.

Deselecting the Allow changes to date fields populated automatically during capture checkbox will hide these fields from view on the document properties screen.

By default, document properties may not be modified when a document is checked out. This behavior can be changed by selecting Allow document properties to be modified when documents are checked out checkbox.

Selecting the Allow empty values in updates checkbox allows document properties to be set to an empty value during updates.

If you’d like some system fields reserved for administrators to be viewed by all users, select Allow non-admin users to view admin-only system fields.

By default, all capture-form submissions will update like-named document properties even when the user submitting the document does not have the field edit permission for the document type. If you would like to disable this behavior, uncheck Allow field updates from capture-form updates regardless of field-edit permission.

Document-Type Administrator Settings

Setting this checkbox will allow users with document type Administrator permission(s) to manage document-type membership. All system users and groups will be visible to such users.

Drag-and-Drop Settings

Select the Enable Drag-and-Drop applet on results frame checkbox to enable the Java-based drag-and-drop applet in each results frame.

E-mail Server Settings

These settings, when specified, provide the E-mail menu item in the File menu. The server provided is used for sending all outgoing e-mails, including those used in workflow rules.

Event Log Settings

Entries for the Event Log are stored for seven years by default. Setting this value to zero disables the event log.

Fax Server Settings

These settings, when specified, provide the Fax menu item in the File menu. Content Central currently supports only RelayFax fax server implementations. The settings provided are used for sending all outgoing fax transmissions, including those used in workflow rules.

Send All Faxes Through Single Account:  When enabled, all fax transmissions will be routed to the provided Send- Account E-mail Address.

Capture and Distribute Fax Confirmations:  When enabled, the Workflow Service will monitor the provided email account for RelayFax responses. All valid responses (successes and failures) will be routed to the sending-user’s Messages folder. Selecting the Send Copy to User’s E-mail Address checkbox will send a copy to the email address on the user’s account.

Field-Lookup Settings

Selecting Bypass Field Lookup when Any Lookup Item is Empty will cause the lookup engine to skip a database lookup when one or more items is blank. This can help prevent errors with external data sources that expect values for each item.

Folder-Deletion Settings

The Delete folders when emptied setting determines whether filesystem folders will be removed when they become empty from deletions.

By default, folders will be displayed based only on document type permissions. If the current user does not have permission to view any of the files in a folder based on the document types represented, the folder will not display. Selecting Check for documents created by user when displaying folder names will cause Catalog Browser folder displaying to include a permission check for files created by the current user. Enabling this feature can decrease performance due to the increased amount of permission checking that will occur.

Likewise, Check for documents created by user when gathering Catalogs will include the permission check for files created by the current user whenever a list of accessible catalogs is gathered for the user. When selected, this can decrease performance when accessing areas like the Search area and Folders area.

You can Enable Paging in the Catalog Browser to improve performance. The associated Page size determines how many subfolders will be displayed at one time. If any folder contains a total number of subfolders less than or equal to this page size, the system will bypass the paging mechanism.

If you’d like to have the document-properties frame open immediately whenever a user enters the Coding Queue, select Automatically Open Document Properties when in the Coding Queue.

Grid-Results Settings

The Number of results to return in a search and Number of results to display on each page may be modified as desired.

Selecting Size columns to fit in all grids will improve display performance in some browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. By default, columns are displayed in equal width. This option will prevent column data from being truncated.

Selecting Use combo box for quick access to specific pages will change the default paging mechanism above the results grid with a drop-down list containing all available page numbers.

Thumbnails will be created and available for display in the results grid when you choose to Enable Thumbnails. The Thumbnail height textbox allows values from 50 to 250 (pixels) and defaults to 66, which is a perfect scaling value for letter-sized pages. Whenever adjusting the height to a higher value after thumbnails have already been created, you may wish to rebuild all existing thumbnails. To do this, see “Managing Catalogs”.

NOTE:  Thumbnails will not be created when the Enable Thumbnails checkbox is disabled; however, missing thumbnails can be created later by using the Catalog Manager.

Login Logout Settings

Selecting the Login page should remember usernames checkbox prevents users from having to enter the username for each login.

Selecting the Allow users to stay logged in checkbox allows users to bypass the login screen completely unless the Logout button is selected.

Users can be logged out automatically after a period of inactivity. To enable this, enter a value larger than 0 in Inactivity Logout Delay in Minutes.

Notification Settings

Selecting Override server URL in outgoing notifications will change the default server hostname with the provided Server URL. This is sometimes necessary when the internal server name does not reflect an alias or other hostname for external access.

Search Settings

Selecting the Always Use Full-Text Search Engine checkbox will may improve performance when performing searches. You will not be able to perform date-range searches while this option is checked.

Selecting the Allow Stemming checkbox will increase the chances of finding content when searching. The search engine will perform a search for the root word as well as its various forms.


Example 4.1. Stemming

Root word: Process; Stemmed variants: Processes, Processed, Processing


NOTE:  Stemming is available only when using the Full-Text search box.

Select the Append (*) wildcard to all drop-down list entries checkbox will cause a wildcard to be appended to all values entered in drop-down lists. This will allow results such as John Smith to be returned automatically when the user enters only John.

The value in the Number of results to return in a search textbox will limit the total number of results returned when performing a full-text search. The actual number of results that match a full-text query may be higher than the number entered here.

The Number of catalogs to display in drop-down list can be increased or decreased, controlling the height of the Catalogs selection box on the Search frame.

By default, an ampersand (&) character is used as a signal to the full-text search engine that you are enabling synonym searching. If you need to search for values in the full-text search engine that contain an ampersand, you can change the value of the Synonym Character.

Viewer Settings

You can Enable PDF Streaming to reduce network bandwidth of PDF previews. When enabled, only the first page of any PDF will be sent to the client machine and an additional menu PDF Streaming will appear above the results grid.

Selecting Stream only when PDFs contain more than x pages will result in the full PDF being sent to the client when the number of pages is equal to or less than the threshold value provided.

PDF bookmarks from the original file can be transferred to the streamed PDF file if you select Extract and Add PDF Bookmarks. Only the bookmarks relevant to the pages streamed will be included.This may affect the performance of streaming delivery.

Work-Queue Settings

Selecting the Hide documents from Search & Catalog Browser when in a Work Queue checkbox will prevent documents in any Work Queue from showing up in a search or when browsing.

Select the Limit expiration checkbox to limit the amount of time a document can exist in the Work Queue.

Enter the appropriate information for your organization, then click Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 11.59.21 AM to save your changes.

Content Central System Settings

External Data Sources (ODBC) [Enterprise Edition]

One or more external data sources (ODBC [Definition: Open Database Connectivity] sources) can be linked to Content Central and used for automating field input in document types. After configuring one or more sources, you will need to map document-type fields to the source(s).

Access the External Data Sources screen by selecting the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.04.17 PM icon from the Admin main menu.

Content Central External Data Sources

Adding or Modifying a Data Source

After confirming your external data source exists in the ODBC management tool on the same machine containing the Web-site module, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.07.32 PMbutton to add the source.

To modify an existing data source, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.08.14 PM icon in the appropriate row.

External Data Source Details

Name (required):  This name will be used to identify the correct data source when mapping fields.

Description (optional):  Use this textbox to add a description for the source.

Select System DSN:  This drop-down list will contain a list of available ODBC System DSN data sources.

Username (if required):  If required, enter the username to connect to the DSN.

Password (if required):  If required, enter the password to connect to the DSN.

Clear stored password:  Select this checkbox to remove the password stored for this external data source.

After entering the appropriate information for the data source, select Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.11.10 PM to save your changes. To test the connection, select the Test button in the row of the data source you would like to test.

Content Central Adding a New Data Source

Deleting a Data Source

To delete a data source, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.13.39 PM icon in the appropriate row.

When you are sure you would like to delete the data source, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 12.14.19 PM button.

Content Central Deleting a Data Source

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