Your Work Queue contains documents that have been routed to you on an ad hoc basis. Access it by first selecting the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.21.49 AM button from the main menu followed by the Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 12.02.52 PM icon from the Folders frame.

To narrow your view by catalog or document type, select from the drop-down list at the top of the results frame.

After you’ve performed your designated task(s) related to a document, you can either Move it or Remove it using the Work Queue menu. One or more documents can be moved or removed at the same time.

Content Central The Work Queue

Assigning or Moving Documents to a Work Queue

To assign one or more documents to one or more users or groups, select one or more documents from your results grid, and then select the Send to Work Queue menu item from the File menu.

NOTE:  When assigning a document to a Work Queue from the Work Queue, select the Copy to Queue menu item from the Work Queue menu instead.

To move documents from your Work Queue to another user or group, select the Move to Queue menu item from the Work Queue menu.

Documents are grouped by document type. You can choose one or more users or groups to assign each document group if your administrator has provided you with permission to assign to other users and groups.  Selecting the Send to My Queue checkbox will send the document group to only your Work Queue.

You can choose to set an expiration on the selected documents. Each expired document will be automatically removed from the Work Queue. You may be limited on how long a document can exist in the Work Queue.

After confirming your selections, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 11.49.49 AM button. The documents will be sent to the user(s) and/ or group(s) selected. When moving one or more documents, the documents will be removed from your Work Queue.

Content Central Assigning Documents to the Work Queue

Sharing Documents

To share documents with guests or users, select one or more documents from your results grid, and then select the Share menu item from the File menu.

Select the Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 12.10.35 PM button to add one or more recipients by e-mail address. While adding recipients, you can select the Address Book link to access existing e-mail addresses. When providing more than one email address at a time, separate each with a semicolon.

You can choose to set an expiration on the selected documents. Each expired document will be automatically removed from the Work Queue. You may be limited on how long a document can exist in the Work Queue.

After confirming your selections, select the Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 12.11.59 PM button. The documents will be sent to the recipient(s) selected. If any of the recipients do not exist in the system, a new guest user will be created, and an invitation containing login details will be sent to the e-mail address provided.

Content Central Sharing Documents

Removing Documents

To remove one or more documents from your Work Queue, select the appropriate documents in your results grid followed by the Remove from Queue menu item from the Work Queue menu. Confirm your selections and select the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 11.23.00 AM button. The documents will be removed from your Work Queue.

Content Central Removing Documents from the Work Queue

The Admin Queue [Administrators]

The Admin Work Queue provides a view of all documents in each user’s Work Queue for document types you can administer. As an administrator you can assign or remove any of the documents listed.

To enter this view select the Admin Queue link at the top of the results frame. To narrow the view by document type, select a document type from the drop-down list at the top of the results frame.

To return to your personal Work Queue, select the My Queue link.

Changing Expirations

To change the expiration of one or more documents in the Admin Work Queue, select the appropriate documents in your results grid followed by the Set Expiration menu item from the Work Queue menu.  You may be limited on how long a document can exist in the Work Queue. Confirm your selections and select the Screen Shot 2016-02-24 at 11.49.49 AM button. The new expirations will be set on the selected documents.

Content Central Changing Expirations of Documents in the Admin Work Queue

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