Any documents that have been captured using Post-Capture coding or Versatile coding must be fully coded before they will be routed to their appropriate storage area. The Coding Queue in your Folders frame holds these documents for you to code.

Two types of documents can exist within the Coding Queue. Personal documents are identified by the Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 2.49.35 PM icon and shared documents are identified by the Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 3.08.10 PM icon.

Personal Documents:  Documents captured using the Post-capture coding method and documents captured using the Versatile coding method with a Personal Queue destination will become personal documents. These documents will only appear to the user who captured the documents.

Shared Documents:  Documents captured using the Versatile coding method with a Shared Queue destination will become shared documents. These documents will appear to all users who have permission to add documents for the document type selected during the capture process.

Access the Folders frame by selecting the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 10.21.49 AM button from the main menu. Select the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 1.38.58 PM icon in the Folders frame to obtain the list of documents awaiting the coding process.

Content Central The Coding Queue

To begin coding these documents, select the Code Document(s) menu item from the Modify menu. The Document Properties frame will appear on the right side of your browser. Select the catalog and document type, enter appropriate information for any fields listed, then select the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 1.41.56 PM button to save changes to the properties and route the document from the queue to the catalog, or select the Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 1.42.40 PM button to save changes and leave the document in the Coding Queue. When committing the document to the catalog, Content Central will route the file to the appropriate storage area, and the next document in the results grid will load for coding.

If any key icons are displayed next to a field, you may select the Perform key-field lookup link to perform a real-time field lookup. One or more of the fields will be updated.

If a Use Filing Rules checkbox is presented, you may choose whether or not the field information will cause the file name to change.

Content Central Coding Documents in the Coding Queue

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