Ademero – Maintenance Plan Benefits

Ademero understands the importance of a well-supported product. Our maintenance plan provides annual support services and maintenance services as listed below. Should you need assistance, fully-qualified support technicians are available to you 365 days a year. Software updates including new features, performance enhancements and bug fixes will be provided to you free of charge with this annual maintenance plan.

Maintenance Services

Software Updates
Includes Product Enhancements, Documentation Updates, and Bug Fixes.
Updates keep you current with new hardware and OS releases.
Product Enhancements
New features, enhanced existing features, and performance improvements.
Documentation Updates
All software changes/additions will be addressed with new documentation.
Bug Fixes
Issues will be resolved and included in all software updates.
A Maintenance Plan Keeps You Operational All Year Long!
Visit our website at or call us at 863-937-0272 for more information.